Saturday, April 29, 2023

When a teacher gets pregnant eventually she ends up having to make a choice

I am not sure how other mothers do it. Oftentimes other teachers would say to me, "I don't know how you do it." My response would always be, "Neither do I." The truth is, I wasn't doing it. I was being pulled in so many different directions I couldn't do it all. I couldn't be the teacher I wanted to be. I couldn't be the mother I wanted to be. I couldn't be the homemaker I wanted to be. 

In all honestly, I would much rather be a stay at home mother, taking care of the children and keeping the house clean. Don't get me wrong, I know being a stay at home mom has it's own challenges and even a stay at home mom can have a difficult time keeping a home clean. But imagine trying to do all of the duties of a stay at home mother and then add all the responsibilities of being a teacher. No wonder I was stressed.

My stress level has decreased. My home is still a disaster, I still have to work away from home. But my children feel like I can spend more time with them. Except for the summers, and school holidays. I miss being with them on the school holidays so much! That is the next step. Try to make it so I don't have to work outside of the home. I hope I can do it!

pictures used by permission from and

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