Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Everybody Loves Mommy

My almost 5 year old daughter loves to spend time with me. She never feels like she has enough time with me. She told me she wanted to go to kindergarten so she could be in my class. (Earlier this year when I actually taught kindergarten - who knows about next year). Poor thing, I'm gone all day long and spend my days with other people's kids. She just wants to spend all day with me too. It's not fair.

My 2 year old wants to spend every second with me. It doesn't matter what I'm doing, she just wants to be in the same room as me. She follows me around from room to room. She picks up her toy or whatever she is playing with and follow me to the next room and continues to play. Recently she has taken up helping me with whatever I am doing. Whenever I put the baby down she instantly comes running to me and begs me to pick her up.

My 2 month old is only happy in Mommy's arms. He wants me to carry him all day long. He loves to nurse and wants to nurse all day long.

My husband is the only one who doesn't want to be with me 24-7 but that is only because he knows it is normal for couples in a healthy relationship to spend time away from each other. However, he does admit to wanting to spend more time with me. Fortunately, he understand the needs of the children and doesn't demand my time and attention like the children do. Instead he cherishes every second he can spend with me.

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