Monday, July 4, 2022

10 years

 It has been ten years since my daughter was born. I originally started this blog so that I could post all the funny things kids said about me being pregnant. But now, I think talking about the struggles of teaching and being a mother is more what it should have become. And now it is time to finish the sentence... "When a teacher gets pregnant" she ends up quitting teaching because it is too hard to become the teacher your are expected to be and still be there for your family.

Teachers have unreasonable expectations placed upon them and it is so sad to see so many teachers leaving the profession, including myself. It's tough because I have always been home with my children during the summer and this year, I can't. As I struggle to decide what I should do instead of teaching (because we can not financially afford me not to work) I hope that we can make things work for next summer so I can be with them more.

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