Tuesday, May 31, 2011

I Know Why. . .

March 8, 2011

I had just read in a book that it is normal to be forgetful during pregnancy.  The book gave a tip to write things on sticky notes to help you remember what to do while you are at work. 

A couple of days later during the first hour of the day, a teacher asked me if she could bring her class into the computer lab during the last hour of the day when I did not have  a class.  I told her that would be fine.

After my escorting my last class to their next class I returned to my classroom.  The class was lined up in front of my door.  Surprised I said, "Oh, I forgot you were coming."

One of the sixth graders said, "I know why you are always forgetting things, Mrs. Gardner.  It's because you are pregnant.  When my mom was pregnant she was forgetting things all the time."

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