Sunday, August 6, 2023

Moon Base and Mars Colony

My 7 year old son talked to me for about 20 minutes all about how NASA wants to set up a base on the moon by 2025 and send a manned mission to Mars by 2030.

He tried telling me something that was said on the moon, something about a giant step so I said, "One small step for man. One giant leap for mankind."

Then I asked him if he believed we went to the moon. He said he did. I told him some people don't we went to the moon that it was fake. I told him I believed but some people don't. I asked him what he would tell those people. He wasn't sure. I told him that his uncle wasn't sure we actually went to the moon and asked him what he would he tell him. My son said, "Well he wasn't born back then."

I laughed, he wasn't there when it happened, so how would he know? Right? That kid cracks me up!

So, then I started typing to my family what he said in our family group text. He saw me typing this and asked me how much I was going to type. Then he asked, "What is this called? A book?"

Yup, sometimes I type really long text messages! 😄

pictures used by permission from and

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