Tuesday, June 24, 2014


One night my daughter had a sticker. She told me that she wanted to give the baby the sticker. Then she put the sticker down my shirt so the baby could have the sticker.

So thoughtful.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

I Want To See

My daughter will sometimes ask, "Want to see baby in your tummy."

I explain she can't see the baby yet. But she insists I lift my shirt so she can see my belly.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

A year off

When other staff members at work find out I am pregnant I often get asked, "Are you going to take a year off?" My answer always is, "I wish."

Maybe some miracles will happen this summer.

Maybe my blogs will take off and I'll finally make money off my blogs.
Random Bits of Everything
Confessions of a Wanna Be Stay At Home Mom
Great Books Worth Reading

Maybe lots of people will read my articles and I'll make a lot of money writing articles.
Early Childhood Education Articles

Maybe I'll actually have people who want to join my Paparazzi Accessories team and more people wanting to host parties.
Paparazzi Accessories - Low Cost Styles

Maybe I'll have four people who want me to start a home preschool program for their preschoolers.
Back to Basics ABC 123

Maybe I'll have lots of people wanting me to tutor their elementary school children.
Back to Basics ABC 123

Maybe I'll be inspired to write an awesome ebook that lots of people will want to buy and read.

Those are a lot of maybes.  In the meantime, I am signing my new contract and I'm planning to teach again next year. It is going to be so difficult to leave both my babies every day to spend the day with other people's kids.

Friday, June 6, 2014

Mommy's Milk

My two year old was worried that the baby would try to drink her juice or her milk.  I told her that the baby would be too little. First she would drink Mommy's milk.  That's all I told her. I never told her where Mommy's milk was.

One day we were playing one of her favorite games where we pretend to sleep on the bed. Out of the blue, she puts her head towards my breasts and says, "I drink your water."

I gently pushed her head away in shock.

A few weeks later at church I was cradling her and she tried again. I moved her head down and she pretended to drink milk from my stomach!  

Oh boy! 

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Toys and clothes for the baby

I've started packing up some of the baby toys and clothes that are too small for my 2 year old. So now when she sees some clothes that are too small for her she says they are hers. I tell her they are too small for her and now they are for Baby Abbi.  She'll point to the dresser and say, "My clothes," I say, "Yes." Then she points to the box of clothes and says, "Baby Abbi's clothes" and I say, "yes." 

She has lots of dolls and stuffed animals that used to be mine.  Now when she says they are hers, I tell her, "No, that is mine, I am sharing with you. You can play with it." So when the baby comes along, she will know those were mine, not hers, and we are sharing with Abbigail. Also, hopefully, it will inspire her to share her toys with her little sister.

She also knows that there is a box of toys that are for the baby. They are too young for her to play with so I took them away now so that when I give them to the baby, hopefully, she won't get upset.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Advantages of a younger sibling

My 2 year old and I were cleaning the playroom.  I told her to put all the animals in the boat.

Toddler: No, baby do it.
Me: You want Baby Abbi to do it?
Toddler: Yeah.
Me: She can't, she's still in Mommy's tummy and she didn't make the mess, you did.

So, she already sees the advantages of being an older sister.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Hurry Up

One day one of my kindergarten boys told me, "Your baby needs to hurry up and come or it will be late and it won't be born before school gets out."

I told him, "The baby is not supposed to be born before school gets out.  She is will be born in June, after school gets out."

My class is so excited to see the baby, too bad (for them) she'll be born during summer break.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014


At dinner, my husband and I were discussing a date we had been on.

Husband: Was that before we were married or after?
Me: I think it was after we were married.
Toddler: No! You married.
Me: Yes, we are married.
Looking at her dad she said: You put baby in Mommy's tummy.
Me (shocked): Yes he did.

Where did she learn that? We are not that frank with our 2 year old.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Gender Vote

The day before we found out the gender of the baby, I asked my students to tell me which they thought my baby would be.

The next day I told them I was having a girl. It was funny to see the groans from those who thought I was having a boy and the cheers from those who thought I was having a girl.

Thursday, May 1, 2014


One morning, one of my kindergartners asked me, "When your baby is born, is that its birthday?" I answered, "Yes, it is." 

Friday, April 25, 2014

What's the baby's name?

Before we knew the gender of our baby we would ask our daughter, "What is the baby's name?" She would answer, "Baby in Mommy's tummy."

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Boy or Girl

Before we knew the gender of our baby, we would ask our 2 year old questions about the baby.

Mom: Are you going to have a baby brother or baby sister?
Hannah: baby sister
Mom: Are you going to have a baby sister or baby brother?
Hannah: baby brother
Mom: Baby boy or baby girl?
Hannah: baby girl
Mom: Baby girl or baby boy?
Hannah: baby boy
Mom: Baby Abbi or Baby Luke?
Hannah: baby Luke
Mom: Baby Luke or Baby Abbi
Hannah: Baby Abbi

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Eat Lots of Food

Some students in another class found out that I was pregnant.

Boy Student 1: You have a baby in your tummy?
Me: Yes I do.
Boy Student 1: How did it get there?
Boy Student 2: That's easy.

Really? I couldn't wait to hear how easy it is to get pregnant.

Boy Student 2: All you have to do is eat a lot of food.

Monday, April 7, 2014

I Can't Get Pregnant

One day my feet were tired from standing and walking around so much so I brought a chair outside with me to sit on during my after school bus duty. One of the kindergarten boys said, "That's not fair. You get a chair." I said, "When you have a baby in your tummy you can sit in a chair." Then he said, "Hey, I can't get pregnant!" I said, "Oh, well." I am glad he knows enough to know that he'll never get pregnant.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Doctor Appointments

I often tell my students when I am going to the doctor because I either won't be in class or have to leave early.  The next day someone always asks, "Did the doctor take your baby out?" I tell them not yet, he just checked to make sure the baby was still okay.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014


Soon after I announced to my students that I was pregnant, one of my kindergartners drew this picture of me with the baby in my tummy.  

Thursday, March 20, 2014

First Teacher

This pregnancy is different than my last because I have a toddler at home, who has her own adorable and funny things to say about mommy being pregnant. I am still a teacher and though she is my daughter, I am her teacher too, because a parent is a child's first teacher.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

A Week Ahead

At my 8 week appointment the ultra sound showed the baby was 8 weeks and 6 days old.  Almost 9 weeks along!  That's further ahead than I had originally thought. . . a very good sign :-)

Monday, January 6, 2014

I'm pregnant!

I had to leave school early for my 8 week appointment.  I told my kindergartners that I would be leaving a little early so I could go to a doctor's appointment, but I was okay.  I told them another teacher would be coming in to be with them until school got out.  Many of the boys were excited that a "boy teacher" would be there. As I left many of the students came up to me and gave me hugs.  I couldn't move, so many of them were surrounding me.  I wanted to tell them, I'm having a baby!  This is a check up for the baby.  But I didn't know if was a viable pregnancy (though it sure felt like one), so I didn't say anything.  I just told them that I needed to go or I'd be late for my appointment.  

A parent was volunteering in my classroom when I left.  She sent me an email and told me one of my little boys cried the whole time I was gone because he missed me.  

Sunday, January 5, 2014

What Are You Doing?

When I was just a few days shy of being 8 weeks a kindergartner came up to me and began pressing on my stomach.  I looked at him, pulled his hand away, and said, "What are you doing?"  He couldn't explain his actions.  I didn't think I was showing that much!  I was at the point that only I could really tell I was getting "fat."  Like I said earlier, most of my clothes still fit me and it wasn't like I was in the best shape before I was pregnant, I did not have a flat stomach to begin with.  

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Getting Bigger

Somewhere around my 6th or 7th week I began to feel like I was getting fat.  Another good sign, right?  My clothes still fit, I just felt like I had a little belly.  I thought I was beginning to show earlier than I did in my last viable pregnancy.  Perhaps it is because I had been pregnant before.  But then I thought, what if I was having twins!  Oh, the crazy things I kept thinking during that first trimester.  At least I knew all the emotions meant I was really pregnant this time!

Friday, January 3, 2014


Due to the fact I have had so many miscarriages, and being at a new school, I was extremely hesitant to tell anyone that I was pregnant.  I decided to wait until after winter break to let everyone know.  By that time I will be well into my 2nd trimester (15 weeks to be exact).  I decided that first I would tell my students, then I would announce it on my class website.

Be looking for more adorable things kids say when a teacher gets pregnant!