Saturday, July 30, 2011

Who is Pregnant?

A first grade class came to my class.  It was the first class with me since I found out the gender of the baby.  I told them during the last class that the next time they came I would tell them if I was having a boy or a girl.  So when they came lots of the children were asking me if I had found out.  I told them that I was having a girl and many of the students were so excited. 

One boy asked, "Who's pregnant?"
I replied, "I am."
He said, "You are?"
I said, "Yes, where have you been the last 2 months?"

How anyone at the school did not know I was pregnant was beyond me.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

When do you find out?

In 6 days I was finally going to be able to answer the question, "Are you going to have a boy or a girl?"

The 3rd grade students were standing in line.  I walked passed them on my way to the restroom.

Boy 1: Mrs. Gardner, how is you baby?
Me: Good.
Boy 2: When do you find out you are having a boy?
Me: Next week.
Boy 3: She is not having a boy, she is having a girl.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Are You Still Here?

One day after school I was walking back to my classroom from helping a teacher in her classroom.  An 8th graders saw me and we had this conversation.

8th Grade Boy: What are you doing Mrs. Gardner?  You should be home waiting for your baby to come.
Me: I have a lot to do.
8th Grade Boy: You should get paid for that.
Me: For what?
8th Grade Boy: Staying at home waiting for your baby.
Me: I wish. I'd sign up for that.  Who would pay me to stay at home?
8th Grade Boy: Mrs. Stockton

Mrs. Stockton is our school principal.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

When are you going to have your baby?

When I was about 17 weeks along. . .

8th grade boy: Mrs. Gardner, when are you going to have your baby?
Me: In August.
8th grade boy: That's a long time.  Why does it take so long.
Me: Because it takes 9 months to make a baby.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

You should. . .

One day when I was about 4 months along I had this confersation with a 6th grade girl.  Many of the students began to notice the bump on my stomach beginning to grow.

Student: Do you know what you should do Mrs. Gardner? You should model, and show off your tummy.
Me: You mean model maternity clothes?
Student: You should model bikinis so that you can show off your stomach.

Wow, I did not have a body for bikini modeling before the pregnancy and being 4 months pregnant did not change that.  No one wants someone who is overweight to be modeling bikinis.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Can I touch your stomach?

March 28, 2011 When I was 17 weeks along

A second grade girl asked me if she could feel my stomach. 

I like it when they ask and I try to remember to thank them for asking.  I want them to learn that you can't just walk up to someone and touch their stomach, that it is polite to first ask for permission and wait for the permission to be granted.  However, this time I forgot to thank her for asking. 

I told her she could and she put her hand on my rib cage and asked if it was kicking.  I moved her hand to my belly button and told her that it probably was moving around, I just don't feel it yet.  I was amazed that another child had the wrong idea as to where the baby was located. 

I knew I was not showing much, but I was showing. . . I had a bump. If someone didn't know I was pregnant, I just looked like I was getting fat. One would think they would assume the baby was where the bump was growing.