Saturday, June 25, 2016

The Struggle

I've decided to share more posts by other mom/teachers. What more could I say than what they have already said, especially if I agree with them.

Here are 20 truths to being a mom/teacher

In this article, I've already tried #3 which I believe contributed to me not being asked to come back and I believe #4 was noticed #5  is something I have been trying to do more #6 is definitely something I do and so is the dinner part of #2

So, it is difficult. It is a struggle. I shouldn't beat myself up over it. Too bad. I already do.

In my last post I linked an article where she stated at some point your child will be jealous of my students. This is so sad. It is so true. As I've stated in a previous post, my daughter wanted to be in my kindergarten class because she wanted to be with me all day long, like my students are with me all day long. . . I wish I could be with her all day long without having to worry about what I need to do to make money to help support our family.

Monday, June 20, 2016

A teacher/Mother

Browsing through the internet today I found two articles by women who are both mothers and teachers. Both indicated how tough it is to be both and, well actually, impossible to be good at both. I thought, "Well, how can I write about that, they already have." One of the articles was really long and honestly, I didn't finish reading it. The other one was a length I could read without the risk of falling asleep. Here is the article. If you want to read the lengthy one, here it is

So, what I discovered is this: I am not alone. I am not the only one that feels that in order to be a good teacher I must neglect my children and in order to be a good mother I must neglect my students.

I also confirmed what I already knew. The real reason why I didn't get asked back to my school is because I failed my students. I did not put them before my children. I also did not put my children before my students. I couldn't be a great teacher and a great mother so instead of trying for one, I was neither.

Now I am stuck trying to find another teaching job and I don't want to. I don't want to sit through another interview telling someone that my passion is teaching. That I can't see myself doing anything else. Because all I want to do is be home with my babies. BUT the reality is, I need to work. I need to have a job. But what? Teaching is the only thing I know how to do. What other job could I do to make the same amount (such as it is) as I am making now?

So, now I am wishing that I chosen a different path (a writing career). Now, I am trying to work on my blogs (while I currently have the time to do so) in hopes that I could possibly make some money by blogging. There are other avenues I am trying to do but I fear none of them will pan out before I need to be working again. So now I will be applying for teaching jobs.

I am a teacher. I got pregnant. Now I am a mother. I now understand why at one point in our country's history teachers were not allowed to get married. They were not allowed to get pregnant. If they did, they would have to quit teaching. I get it now. I so get it.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Everybody Loves Mommy

My almost 5 year old daughter loves to spend time with me. She never feels like she has enough time with me. She told me she wanted to go to kindergarten so she could be in my class. (Earlier this year when I actually taught kindergarten - who knows about next year). Poor thing, I'm gone all day long and spend my days with other people's kids. She just wants to spend all day with me too. It's not fair.

My 2 year old wants to spend every second with me. It doesn't matter what I'm doing, she just wants to be in the same room as me. She follows me around from room to room. She picks up her toy or whatever she is playing with and follow me to the next room and continues to play. Recently she has taken up helping me with whatever I am doing. Whenever I put the baby down she instantly comes running to me and begs me to pick her up.

My 2 month old is only happy in Mommy's arms. He wants me to carry him all day long. He loves to nurse and wants to nurse all day long.

My husband is the only one who doesn't want to be with me 24-7 but that is only because he knows it is normal for couples in a healthy relationship to spend time away from each other. However, he does admit to wanting to spend more time with me. Fortunately, he understand the needs of the children and doesn't demand my time and attention like the children do. Instead he cherishes every second he can spend with me.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Baby #3

So, it has been a while since my last blog entry. I have had my 3rd and final child. Therefore I won't have any more adorable quotes about pregnancy from my students.

I have decided to now write about the aftermath of having children while also teaching full time! It is quiet the task! Everyone demands so much of my time! There is so much to do to be a highly effective teacher that it takes away from being a highly effective mother at home. Dedicating as much as I can to be there for my children when I am not at school takes away from what I need to be doing for my students. It is a lose-lose battle.