Tuesday, September 20, 2011

My Bump

Students always ask me "How's your baby?" or "How is Hannah?" But one day I got a different question. . .

On Fridays we can where jeans to school.  One day I wore jeans and a Tee-shirt that said, "I love my bump. I love my bump."  Many of the students didn't know what it meant, when they asked, I said, "I love my bump," and then I rubbed my belly.  The student would then say, "Ohhh."  Some of the older students thought it was funny.

A few weeks later, I went to a second grade classroom to give something to one of the students.  A student came up to me and asked, "How's your bump?"

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

My Growing Belly

5-19-11 (26 weeks)

A first grader walked past me and noticed my belly had grown and asked me, "Your baby is growing up?"

I smiled and said, "Yes."

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Baby Due Date Countdown


I have a school blog.  I post assignments for the students and links to websites that we will be visiting during class.  A friend showed me a countdown and I thought it would be great to put a count down to my due date on the blog.  So many students ask me if I have had my baby yet that I thought that if they saw a reminder of how many days are left it would help them understand how long a pregnancy can be.

When one of the 7th grade classes saw the countdown for the first time one of the boys was a little confused.

7th Grader: Why does it say due date?  Why doesn't it say the baby will be born?
Me: Not all babies are born on their due date.  I don't know if that is the day the baby will actually be born.
7th Grader: But why doesn't it say when the baby will be born?  Why does it say due date?
Me: No one really knows when a baby will be born, a due date is just a guess as to when the baby will be born.
7th Grader: Why didn't you put when the baby will be born?
Me: The doctor doesn't know exactly when the baby will be born.  The due date is just a guess.  I don't know when the baby will be born.

He still wasn't satisfied but I had to move onto our lesson for the day.  I did not know any other way to explain it to him.