Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Does it Kick?

March 28, 2011 When I was 17 weeks along. . .

A second grade girl came up to me and gave me a hug.  Her hand lingered near my waist, then she said, "It's not kicking?" I said, "No, but" then I moved her hand from my rib cage to near my belly button, "but the baby is here."

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

That's a Long Time

March 28, 2011

When I was 17 weeks along. . .

8th Grade Boy: Mrs. Gardner, when are you going to have your baby?
Me: In August
8th Grade Boy: That's a long time.  Why does it take so long?
Me: (I shrugged my shoulders) It takes 9 months to make a baby.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Quiet Students

March 11, 2011

Inspired by my neighboring teacher, I began to tell my classes if they were too loud the baby could be born deaf.  This tactic worked great on the younger students.

I did not want to keep bringing that subject up, but I did want to keep my students quiet. 

The computers are set up in four different groups.  I began choosing a student (usally the noisiest) in each group  to monitor their group, and if they were too loud, that student was to quietly remind the students to be quiet.

One day when I asked one of the 1st grade boys to do this for me he asked, "Is your baby taking a nap?"

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Noisy Students

Thumbing through a pregnancy book I read that being exposed to extremely loud noise could damage the developing ear drums of the baby and the baby could be born deaf.  (I never told anyone about what I had read, though I thought it was interesting).

The middle school students aren't the most well disciplined students on campus.  Sometimes they are so noisy they disturb the classroom next door.  One day my neighboring teacher came over to talk to the class.  She told them how her class was trying to learn, how they were disrespecting her, and they were disrespecting me.  She told them that if they are too noisy and cause my baby to be born deaf they would feel so sorry that they were so loud.