Friday, August 25, 2023

12 year old birthday

In honor of her birthday, we are letting our 12 year old play and talk on her phone until her bedtime. Our 9 year old was having a hard time going to sleep. She kept sneaking out of bed to watch her older sister on her new phone. I sent the 9 year old to bed and then later went to check on her to make sure she was not on tech. She wasn't but she also wasn't trying to sleep.

I said, "It's not fair that my sister is 12 and I am only 9. It's not fair she gets a phone and I don't."

Then she said, "How did you know that was what I was thinking?"


picture used by permission from and DariuszSankowski

Friday, August 18, 2023

Sick troubles

One morning, my 7 year old was struggling to put on his socks. He wanted help but everyone was busy. I told him to keep trying. I heard him say, "Woe is me."


Saturday, August 12, 2023

Do You Remember When You Were In My Tummy?

So, we were at church and my seven year old son was angry at me because I wouldn't let him run off right before the prayer.

When the prayer was over he said, "I think I'm your step son now!"

I asked, "Do you know what a step son is?"

He did not.

I said, "That would be like if I died and Daddy got married to someone else. She would be your step mom and you would be her step son. You were in my tummy. I will always be your mom. Do you remember when you were in my tummy? It was really dark." I was just trying to be silly with him by asking him that question. I had no idea the conversation would turn into something else entirely.

He said something about having videos of him in my tummy. I told him that we don't really take videos of babies in tummies. Then I told him that we kind of do when we have an ultra sound and I explained what that was just a little.

Then he told me how babies are in a bubble when they are in their mommy's tummy. I told him, "Kind of. They are in a sac but it is filled with fluid."

Then, he said, "Then it pops."

I said, "Yeah, when the baby is ready to come out, it breaks. But you took a real long time to come out after it broke. It took almost 12 hours."

Then he said, "Then your body has to open up so the baby can come out." 

I said, "Yeah, it does."

He said, "I don't want to see that."

I said, "You don't have to. Daddy watched for [his big sister] but not for anyone else."

He started crying by this time. When his brain is processing new information, he often cries. I continued the conversation because I knew he was just trying to process the whole thing."

He said, "I don't want to see that. Blood must come out too."

I said, "Yes, but it's okay. It's just extra blood the body had for the baby and it doesn't need it any more."

He cried, "How can you survive that!" And ran off. I chased after him, trying not too laugh!

I finally caught up to him and I tried to explained that was how God created our bodies. Women have been having babies for centuries and surviving. I didn't even want to mention that there are women who don't survive childbirth. I pointed out to several mothers we knew and talked about how many children they had and how they survived just fine.

One mother tried to help me explain things. She said that they baby is really small so it is easier to come out. "That's right," I said, "And before the baby gets too big, the body says, okay, it's time to get the baby out before it gets too big! Then it opens up, the baby comes out, and it closes back up again."

He seemed to calm down after that. It was very traumatic for him but it was hilarious to me. Every time I remember him crying out, "How can you survive that!" I just have to laugh. I love that kid! He makes me laugh every day!

pictures used by permission from and

Sunday, August 6, 2023

Moon Base and Mars Colony

My 7 year old son talked to me for about 20 minutes all about how NASA wants to set up a base on the moon by 2025 and send a manned mission to Mars by 2030.

He tried telling me something that was said on the moon, something about a giant step so I said, "One small step for man. One giant leap for mankind."

Then I asked him if he believed we went to the moon. He said he did. I told him some people don't we went to the moon that it was fake. I told him I believed but some people don't. I asked him what he would tell those people. He wasn't sure. I told him that his uncle wasn't sure we actually went to the moon and asked him what he would he tell him. My son said, "Well he wasn't born back then."

I laughed, he wasn't there when it happened, so how would he know? Right? That kid cracks me up!

So, then I started typing to my family what he said in our family group text. He saw me typing this and asked me how much I was going to type. Then he asked, "What is this called? A book?"

Yup, sometimes I type really long text messages! 😄

pictures used by permission from and

Monday, July 31, 2023

The Hilarious Things Kids Say

So about a year ago (has it really be that long) someone hacked into my Facebook account and posted some pornographic images! Facebook immediately suspended my account. At that time I also found out that someone used my business page (that I had stopped using and never got around to closing, my bad) to post what I assumed to be some kind of child trafficking ad. Now, I don't know the particulars about either except for the very vague communication I received from Facebook. 

I was unable to voice my side of the story. I was only able to say that I was hacked. But after about 3 months of investigating (without ever talking to me) the powers that be over at Meta decided that I am indeed posted the pornographic images and disabled my account causing me to loose over ten years of adorable memories I have of my 3 children. It was tragic! 

I learned several lesson. #1 I don't like Meta and anything that has to do with Meta. I tried to avoid using Meta products but I found that to be difficult. #2 Never trust my memories to Meta or anything Meta related #3 I need to record those memories elsewhere.

I have been texting my family the adorable and funny things my son says but I know I had friends on Facebook who missed the quotes I was posting of children so I decided to add them to this blog but I never got around to it. 

So, today, I decided to start. Get ready to read about the things my son says that make me laugh. I hope they make you laugh too.

Unfortunately, I have lost the 10 years of adorable and hilarious things my children have said over the years, but I hope you can enjoy those things that I share here for you to enjoy.

pictures used by permission from and

Saturday, April 29, 2023

When a teacher gets pregnant eventually she ends up having to make a choice

I am not sure how other mothers do it. Oftentimes other teachers would say to me, "I don't know how you do it." My response would always be, "Neither do I." The truth is, I wasn't doing it. I was being pulled in so many different directions I couldn't do it all. I couldn't be the teacher I wanted to be. I couldn't be the mother I wanted to be. I couldn't be the homemaker I wanted to be. 

In all honestly, I would much rather be a stay at home mother, taking care of the children and keeping the house clean. Don't get me wrong, I know being a stay at home mom has it's own challenges and even a stay at home mom can have a difficult time keeping a home clean. But imagine trying to do all of the duties of a stay at home mother and then add all the responsibilities of being a teacher. No wonder I was stressed.

My stress level has decreased. My home is still a disaster, I still have to work away from home. But my children feel like I can spend more time with them. Except for the summers, and school holidays. I miss being with them on the school holidays so much! That is the next step. Try to make it so I don't have to work outside of the home. I hope I can do it!

pictures used by permission from and

Monday, July 4, 2022

10 years

 It has been ten years since my daughter was born. I originally started this blog so that I could post all the funny things kids said about me being pregnant. But now, I think talking about the struggles of teaching and being a mother is more what it should have become. And now it is time to finish the sentence... "When a teacher gets pregnant" she ends up quitting teaching because it is too hard to become the teacher your are expected to be and still be there for your family.

Teachers have unreasonable expectations placed upon them and it is so sad to see so many teachers leaving the profession, including myself. It's tough because I have always been home with my children during the summer and this year, I can't. As I struggle to decide what I should do instead of teaching (because we can not financially afford me not to work) I hope that we can make things work for next summer so I can be with them more.